Bremen, 13-14 March 2024: On 13 and 14 March, DLR hosted the consortium meeting for the fourth time. This time, consortium partner OHB made its premises in Bremen available for a meeting of all consortium partners. In addition to current issues and previous successes, future plans for the COOPERANTS project were also discussed. The hybrid event was attended not only by members of the consortium, but also by representatives of the Gaia-X Hub Germany and the Federal Network Agency.

Daniel Esser and Hannes Hüffer (OHB) opened the event as hosts with a brief introduction and gave a short introduction to areas of activity, current projects and investments, objectives and the future challenges facing the industry. These industry challenges led directly to Caroline Lange (DLR), who, as consortium leader, outlined how COOPERANTS intends to solve the aforementioned industry challenges. She then looked back on the successes of the project since the last consortium meeting.
- COOPERANTS is now an official Gaia-X lighthouse project
- The first smart services are on the COOPERANTS platform
- First pilots are being carried out in the digital clean room
- COOPERANTS will soon open the Gaia-X domain “Space”
Afterwards, the main work package leaders were given the opportunity to present the work package status and summarised that both the marketplace implementation and the integration of services on the OVH Cloud are progressing optimally – a promising outlook.
Another highlight of the day was the poster session, in which the latest results of the smart services and pilots were presented. The poster session offered all consortium partners the opportunity to enquire about the content of the Smart Services and pilots via the posters as well as in direct communication with the use case managers.

This was followed by a keynote speech by Katja Breitenfelder, the Gaia-X Hub Germany’s scientific advisor for the COOPERANTS project. In the lecture, Ms Breitenfelder presented the further planning of the Gaia-X Hub Germany and gave an outlook on upcoming events that will take place within the framework of Gaia-X, as well as events at which the Gaia-X Hub Germany will be represented.
Subsequently, the progress of selected work packages was demonstrated via direct applications. These included the onboarding process on the COOPERANTS platform, the booking of services via the marketplace and use cases in the following areas: Risk management, supplier management, engineering planning, execution and documentation with mixed reality support, functional digital twin including corresponding simulation environments, intelligent assistants in anomaly detection for components and process pattern recognition.
The event was rounded off with a guided tour of OHB and visits to the DFKI and DLR research facilities. At the same time, DLR presented the physical model for the digital cleanroom that is being developed as part of the COOPERANTS project.

Following extremely positive feedback from the Bundesnetzagentur and the Gaia-X Hub Germany, the consortium summarised the network meeting again the following day in the debriefing session and planned the next steps.