Brief Introduction

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) acts as Germany’s research centre for aeronautics, space, energy, transport, digitalisation and security. With a focus on engineering research that encompasses both fundamentals and applications, DLR makes a significant contribution to overcoming societal challenges. One of its outstanding strengths lies in its ability to understand and design systems, supported by a large number of facilities that are dedicated to a wide range of topics with a great depth of research.
DLR’s headquarters are in Cologne, and the centre has 30 other locations throughout Germany and four international locations. It employs around 10,000 people who are at the heart of its research endeavours.
Innovation is a hallmark of DLR and is driven by close partnerships between science and industry and the utilisation of synergies between different sectors.
Role in the Project
The various DLR institutes play different roles in the COOPERANTS project. The Institute of Space Systems has taken on the role of consortium leader and is responsible for representing the consortium to the project organiser BNetzA and the funding body BMWK. Focussing on the goal of the overall project, the consortium management moderates the exchange within the consortium and controls the progress of the project. It regularly represents the project externally at workshops, events and other committees at national and international level.
However, the role of the Institute of Space Systems is not limited to managing the project. As a space research institute, it always keeps an eye on the processes in spacecraft development and actively researches improvements, whether in collaborative engineering in the early phase or in the assembly, integration and test phase. This includes developing and testing solutions in the field of augmented reality, for example to facilitate the assembly of satellites.
The Institute of Software Technology and the Institute of Data Science are involved in the development of solutions for interoperable data utilisation across company boundaries. With the help of the solutions developed, the digital exchange of information between partners in the product life cycle is to be realised with as few errors as possible.
The Institute for Software Methods for Product Virtualisation is concerned with the research and development of IT/technical and software-methodological foundations for the description and realisation of the virtual product on the basis of multidisciplinary simulation processes. The joint flow solver of ONERA, DLR and Airbus is being further developed as an aeronautic pilot into high-performance computing (HPC) simulation software for cloud computing in order to enable efficient HPC cloud utilisation.
Added Value of COOPERANTS for DLR
DLR is driving digitalisation in the aerospace industry and improving collaboration in aerospace projects through pioneering research. Participation in the GAIA-X-based COOPERANTS project offers the opportunity to deepen expertise in a heterogeneous consortium in a practical way and to transfer the knowledge gained into tangible solutions. In this way, DLR is actively shaping the digital transformation in the industry.

Dr. Caroline Lange
Project Manager Digitalization, Consortium Coordinator of COOPERANTS