Welcome to the latest edition of our article series “Our Consortium Partners”. This time we would like to introduce you to the company, ScopeSET Technology Deutschland GmbH, an expert in Model Based Systems Engineering.
ScopeSET Technology Deutschland GmbH: an overview
Since its foundation in 2006, ScopeSET has specialized in projects in the field of Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE). The main focus of these projects is the development of graphical editors that clearly present complex issues, especially in the context of aerospace. In current projects, another focus of the company is the integration of analytics and AI in MBSE environments using appropriate Linked Data backends. Coordinated front-end/dashbaord components enable the end-user to easily access the corresponding data. ScopeSET is not only an expert in providing customized solutions, but also offers comprehensive consulting services for this purpose.
ScopeSET in the COOPERANTS project
Within COOPERANTS, ScopeSET plays a crucial role as GAIA-X Software Asset Provider. The company is developing a technologically open platform with flexible Smart Services that can be tailored to the needs of the customers. Their platform provides a web-based front-end for 2D autolayout diagram visualization of model information. This enables smooth data exchange between client and contractor without the need to install and license specific development tools. In addition, the front-end can be used to visually display data analyses. This function is based on the established MBSE platform, an implemented backend for analysis results, and a graph database that allows linking MBSE data configurations with analysis results.
Added value of COOPERANTS for ScopeSET
The COOPERANTS project opens up the opportunity for ScopeSET to work with industry and research partners to analyze current market needs and translate them into concrete solutions. The open approach to solutions and the structure of the consortium offers the opportunity to continue the resulting collaborations beyond the project duration. The solutions developed in the project will be published through the federated GAIA-X catalogs to make these solutions available to the market. In addition, ScopeSET can expect increasing visibility as a software asset provider through its participation in COOPERANTS.

"The COOPERANTS project opens up the opportunity for ScopeSET to work with industry and research partners to analyze current market needs and translate them into concrete solutions. The open approach to solutions and the structure of the consortium offers the opportunity to continue the resulting collaborations beyond the project duration."
Michael Benkel
Managing director
ScopeSET is a great asset to the COOPERANTS project as a software asset provider. Thanks to its tremendous expertise in Model Based Systems Engineering, the company makes valuable contributions to the digitization of the aerospace industry. Look forward to further articles in our series “Our consortium partners”, in which we present our consortium partners, as well as their diverse contributions to the digital transformation of aerospace.
Stay tuned to learn more about COOPERANTS’ vision, as well as how we are collaborating with innovative partners towards the digital future of the aerospace industry.