Welcome to another exciting contribution in our article series “Our Consortium Partners”, in which we introduce you to the ambitious organisations working together on the forward-looking COOPERANTS project. Today we introduce you to neusta aerospace, a company that offers services covering the entire spectrum of software development in the aerospace industry.
neusta aerospace: an overview
neusta aerospace is a company with many years of expertise in software services and supports customers in the aerospace industry on their path to digitalisation. The broad range of tasks includes idea generation, implementation, product finetuning as well as support. The neusta aerospace team consists of various experts such as developers, architects, scrum masters and project managers, who together cover the entire spectrum of services for applications. Customer satisfaction is key. The focus lies on the aerospace domain in order to take customers in the space, defense and commercial aviation sectors to the next level.
neusta aerospace in the COOPERANTS project
In COOPERANTS, neusta aerospace is coordinating the Digital Program Management Office sub-project with the aim of creating a company-independent and cross-company solution for collaboration in projects. This will enable efficient and continuous project planning, which is essential in the aerospace industry. The special feature of this application is the possibility of collaborative use by all contractors and clients.
The Smart Services are the lynchpin of the Digital Program Management Office. These services will increasingly function as intelligent assistance services. neusta aerospace GmbH views the modular structure of the platform as a core element for this and is planning further development steps in the direction of artificial intelligence.
Together with the consortium partners, the company is striving to cover the needs of all the different players.
Added value of COOPERANTS for neusta aerospace
In close cooperation with Airbus D&S, OHB SE, ZARM Technik AG and Fraunhofer IWU, neusta aeropace is working on the implementation of the ambitious sub-project goals. For once, neusta aerospace is not acting as a service provider, but as an independent product developer and partner, and is proud to be making a contribution to European data sovereignty.
Furthermore, the consortium benefits from the well-established and strongly connected network in the aerospace industry, especially in the Bremen area. The Cooperants project also helps neusta aerospace to further intensify and expand its connections and contacts in the industry.

"For neusta aerospace, COOPERANTS not only means a change of perspective from service provider to autonomous product developer, but also the opportunity to actively contribute to strengthening European data sovereignty. In close cooperation with renowned partners, we are shaping the future of aerospace and opening up new horizons for digital collaboration and innovation."
Cathalin Oberschelp
Agile project manager
Likewise, we are delighted to have neusta aerospace in the COOPERANTS project as experts for the entire spectrum of software development.
In our series of articles “Our consortium partners”, we will continue to inform you about the innovative partners of the COOPERANTS project. Look forward to more insights into the future of digital collaboration in the aerospace industry!
Stay tuned to learn more about the COOPERANTS vision and how we are working with innovative partners towards the digital future of the aerospace industry.