
COOPERANTS is the world’s only collaborative alliance of industry, SMEs and research institutes in the Aeronautics and space sector that solves pressing digital collaboration problems by creating a common data space. 

For this purpose, COOPERANTS develops and operates a digital infrastructure according to Gaia-X standards for the low-barrier exchange of heterogeneous data from individual system landscapes as well as for the operation of new, collaborative smart services. As a result, the aerospace industry will increase the efficiency of data sharing, reduce blind services, project costs as well as risks of failure, and lower the barriers to entry for innovative digital data services and additional partners. 

COOPERANTS will become a key player in a European, digital and sovereign marketplace, making available secure, trusted products and services based on Gaia-X standards for the successful digital collaboration of the aerospace industry. 

Currently, the project is still under development. The data space, and consequently the marketplace, are already provisionally hosted within the Pontus-X data ecosystem and available as a mock-up: COOPERANTS.


Increasing efficiency and building new business opportunities – from SMEs to large enterprises: COOPERANTS increases the competitiveness of all participating companies. By establishing digital, end-to-end supply chains with secure, sovereign and standardized data exchange. By participating in COOPERANTS, partners increase their innovative power, develop new revenue streams. Through Gaia-X, the project is open to all. Additional partners and ecosystems can be integrated at any time. 

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